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At Brunel giving the same talk, differently

Today I woke in Uxbridge and spent part of the day with Victor Arulchandran at Brunel University. I gave my careers talk first to the third year, where I was joined by the mathematics careers advisor, Raj Sidhu. I focused the talk on the career development aspects – the benefits of joining a professional body to commit to your professional development and help improve your career prospects. Following this, I gave the same talk to the second year, where I was joined by the mathematics placement officer, Reay Elliott. I focused the talk on the skills acquisition aspects and developing yourself during your degree by aiming to develop (and be able to evidence) the skills businesses want and those they think maths graduates don’t have (overcoming those ole’ stereotypes). The picture below is of the Mathematical Sciences building at Brunel. Victor and I had lunch then I jumped on a train to Cardiff.

Mathematics at Brunel University

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