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Podcast: Episode 42 – Ed Galea, His career, part 2: Crowd evacuation modelling

These are the show notes for episode 42 of the Travels in a Mathematical World Podcast. 42 is The Ultimate Answer to The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything.

Last week we heard Professor Ed Galea of the University of Greenwich talk about his career from origins in astrophysics and how this led to industrial steel casting and fire modelling. This week on the podcast Ed’s career develops to look into crowd evacuation modelling. There is a wealth of information about Ed’s research on his webpage and on the website of the Fire Safety Engineering Group (FSEG).

On Ed Galea’s webpage, you can watch a piece from BBC News with Ed talking about aeroplane evacuation. You can listen to audio of a piece with Ed talking to The World on the 7th anniversary of 9/11 on that tragedy and what we can learn about skyscraper evacuation.

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