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Strongly Connected Components Episode 18

Strongly Connected Components is a podcast which offers interviews with mathematicians and which is a fine addition to any podcast collection. Host Samuel Hansen interviews some distinguished, interesting and entertaining mathematicians. In a break with this tradition, in episode 18 Samuel chose to interview me.

Over at, the episode is described as:

Your valiant host Samuel Hansen was joined by fellow mathematical podcaster Peter Rowlett for a conversation where Peter explains about what exactly the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications is, how he finds and interviews guests, and Peter also tries to interview Samuel as much as Samuel tries to interview him.

Being interviewed was an interesting experience – I haven’t been on that end of a podcast interview before. I was much less comfortable than when I am recording myself speaking to a mathematician for Travels in a Mathematical World. I suppose the lack of control and fear of saying something stupid was to blame! By the end of the recording I could hardly remember what I’d said at the start. Along the way, as the episode description says, I did ask Samuel a few questions, somehow trying to drag myself to the other side of the interview where I am more comfortable! All silly, really. It was fun speaking to Samuel and I hope the result is worth a listen.

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