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I can’t believe I’m writing another “Mathematical topic: THE MUSICAL!” post so soon after the last one.

This time, the New Diorama Theatre is putting on The Universal Machine: a new musical about the life and death of Alan Turing. Here’s the blurb:

It’s 1927. Young Alan Turing is at school developing the work of Einstein and Newton while doing anything to get out of PE.
It’s 1942. Newly engaged Alan Turing has done the impossible and broken the Nazi Naval Enigma Machine and secured the Battle of the Atlantic for the Allied Forces.

It’s 1954. After being arrested, Alan Turing is found dead at his home next to a half-eaten apple laced with cyanide.

The Universal Machine tells Alan Turing’s dense life story from his school days at Sherbourne, his time at the infamous Station X at Bletchley Park during World War Two, and his arrest for homosexuality and tragic death. This complex re-examination of Alan’s life and work tells the story of a man who could make machines think but struggled to make connections with those around him.

Written and directed by PIT and New Diorama Artistic Director David Byrne with music composed by Night Engine’s Dominic Brennan with movement from Gecko Theatre’s Associate Director Rich Rusk, The Universal Machine is part of the Alan Turing Centenary Celebrations.

Defying all my expectations, the show site lists some glowing reviews – apparently it was a big hit at the Edinburgh Fringe last year.

It’s on at the New Diorama Theatre in Regent’s Place, London, from the 16th of April to the 11th of May.

More information: The Universal Machine at the New Diorama Theatre

via The De Morgan Forum

One Response to “Turing: THE MUSICAL!”

  1. Avatar John Read

    I’m intrigued to know how and if they explain to the theatre audience what a Universal Turing Machine is. I can imagine that could be excruciating. Giant paper tape of ones and zero’s on stage ? Performers with black and white T shirts with ones and zeros on them? Lots of potentially awful ideas like this come to mind.


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