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Erdős Centennial conference

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, the Eötvös Loránd University and the János Bolyai Mathematical Society  have announced a conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Paul Erdős from 1st-5th July 2013 in Budapest, Hungary.

The conference website gives a list of conference topics:

The topic of the conference includes all basic fields that Paul Erdős contributed to:
Number Theory, Combinatorics (including Combinatorial Algebra, Combinatorial Geometry and Theoretical Computer Science), Analysis (including Approximation Theory and Ergodic Theory), Probability Theory, and Set Theory among others. The main goal of the conference is to explore Paul Erdős’ wide ranging contributions to mathematics, and to survey the trends of development originating in his work.

As well as parallel sessions and posters, the programme includes 15 “expository lectures on particular areas related to Paul Erdős’ work” which will be “addressed to a broad mathematical audience”.

The organising committee give the following message:

For so many of us, working with Paul Erdős was an intensely personal experience. We sincerely believe that this conference will be an opportunity for the whole mathematical community to commemorate the life and work of Paul Erdős. We hope that you will join us in this event.

More information and registration: Erdős Centennial.

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