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A new recreational mathematics magazine from the Ludus Association


Imagine, if you will, a group of people who enjoy recreational mathematics and consequently decide that there should be more places for them to share fun maths. It’s crazy and unprecedented, I know, but humour me.

Recreational Mathematics Magazine does what it says on the tin. It’s a semiannual electronic journal published by the Ludus Association addressing “games and puzzles, problems, mathmagic, mathematics and arts, history of mathematics, math and fun with algorithms, reviews and news.”

The editorial board, under managing editor Carlos Pereira dos Santos, is stacked with with recreational maths luminaries, including Jorge Nuno Silva, Ed Pegg Jr., and Aperiodipals Colin Wright and David Singmaster.

As a blogger, it’s just a shame that it’s so old-fashioned. Papers are only available as PDF, with pages offset for stapling with big alternating margins, and nothing is clickable (they haven’t used the hyperref package). Anyway, they’ve made it, it’s full of good stuff, and they’re giving it away for free. Can’t complain about that.

Actually, maybe I can make another tiny little complaint about the faint cumulonumbers on the cover. But that’s all. It’s fab otherwise.

They aim to publish issues “in the exact moments of the equinox” (so twice annually, then). Issue 1 contains, among other things, an article on the mutilated chess problem by Colin Wright; a discourse on vanishing area puzzles by David Singmaster; and a piece on doppelgänger placement games by Richard J. Nowakowski and Svenja Huntemann.

Read: Recreational Mathematics Magazine.

One Response to “A new recreational mathematics magazine from the Ludus Association”

  1. Avatar Rick Schirado

    I have a 15 year old Grandson who is good (not great) at math, but… he enjoys it. So i’m looking for something for him.
    He’s really good in sports, but I’m concerned he’s hanging out with kids he should not, specifically drugs. So, I’m working with him on as many things as I can, including carpentry, and… the reason for this is what do you recommend I get for him that will fit into his like (not love yet) of math.
    Rick Schirado


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