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UK PM Rishi Sunak sets up review to tackle 'anti-maths mindset'

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@mathnews That's discouraging. It's no better on this side of the Atlantic either.

But I agree about the importance of Statistics. Our secondary schools are on this mad push to get to Calculus when only 1/3 of college students actually "need" it in their studies.

We have a decent progression up through Algebra and Geometry and then the wheels fall off the cart. Algebra II is a mish-mash of topics which is part what wasn't covered in Algebra I and part Trigonometry. Then the last year would be Pre-Calculus. Algebra II becomes this painful gatekeeper course which especially hurts the non-college bound student.

How do we fix this?

Statistics may or may not happen in the last two years as well as Business Math or Financial Literacy.