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Review: X&Y

If you have ever wanted to see Marcus du Sautoy reduced in size and placed in a laundry bag, then this is the mathematical play for you!

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This new production (currently on at the Manchester Science Festival and previously performed at the Science Museum London) sees Y (Vicky Gould) meet X (Marcus du Sautoy) for the very first time. Together their exploration goes from the infinitesimal to the infinite, with a few surprises (and a lot of mathematical punnage) along the way.

This is a very entertaining and thought provoking piece of not just theatre, but mathematics and philosophy too. The piece is acted wonderfully and you are drawn into the story by Marcus du Sautoy and Victoria Gould’s performance.

The audience was a combination of school children from KS3 to 5, and mathematics enthusiasts from all walks of life. If you are going to see one piece of live mathematics this year, make it this one.

Nathan Barker
(Comberton Village College, Cambridge)

Nathan saw X&Y at the Science Museum London. X&Y is currently being performed twice daily at the Manchester Science Festival, until Sunday the 3rd of November. Tickets are £10 adults, £8 concessions and £6 school groups.

More information

Book tickets: X&Y at the Manchester Science Festival

Twin Primes theatre company

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