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The Dramatic Life of Numbers: Marcus du Sautoy at Hay Festival

Marcus du Sautoy will be involved in three events at Hay Festival the weekend after next, including a talk titled Maths on Stage: The Dramatic Life of Numbers, about “his experiences working with theatre company Complicité on A Disappearing Number and his explorations of bringing maths to the stage in a recent collaboration with actress Victoria Gould.”

Marcus is also chairing a discussion of Islamic art and appearing on a panel discussing “the way we live now”.

Maths on Stage: The Dramatic Life of Numbers
Date: Saturday, 9th June, 10am; Price: £6.25

Reflections on Islamic Art
Date: Saturday, 9th June, 5:30pm; Price: £6.25

Hay 25 – The Way We Live Now 6
Date: Sunday 10th June, 1pm; Price: £5.25


A Disappearing Number at Plus magazine

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