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An 8,240 step walk on the fraction Q2, base 4

\[ Q_2 = \frac{\begin{array}{l}
72789848570668741304283\dots \\
36124347736557760097920\dots \\
25799724606605332096715\dots \\
10416153622193809833373\dots \\
06264793559557849662263\dots \\
31511063109122609667568\dots \\
77897797682168251265353\dots \\
73030692884779015232270\dots \\
13159658247897670304354\dots \\
02490295493942131091063\dots \\
\end{array}} {\begin{array}{l}
11187071843154281720476\dots \\
08747409173378543817936\dots \\
41291611443130662899652\dots \\
59377090978187244251666\dots \\
33774545915209355828867\dots \\
17656540612737332317877\dots \\
73611338297486163914262\dots \\
84152655437972744796924\dots \\
27652260844707187532155\dots \\
25487295285372502631868\dots \\
\end{array}} \]

This fraction was constructed deliberately so it draws out infinitely many copies of the blackboard bold letter $\mathbb{Q}$. The authors also give two very similar numbers, equivalent to several hundred decimal places, the first of which draws just a single copy of the letter and the other of which draws “random” noise.

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