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Mathematical Scarves Kickstarter

If you like your accessories ‘provably unique’, check out this mathematically interesting Kickstarter project – KnitYak, aka Fabienne Serriere, is going to generate some knitting patterns for scarves algorithmically, so no two scarves will be the same. They’ve hacked a knitting machine to use cellular automata to generate unique black-and-white patterns, which will be knitted in merino wool using a Jacquard (double) knit, resulting in lovely well-finished pieces by the sound of things (although the scarves start from $150, so you’d expect something pretty nice).

Check out the video below, and consider chucking some money on the KnitYak Kickstarter page.

3 Responses to “Mathematical Scarves Kickstarter”

    • Avatar fbz

      Cheeky Nandos phrases are definitely a possibilty for the next run of knits after the Kickstarter. *makes a-ok hand sign* For when your knits are extra cheeky.


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