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Holidaying in Bath

It is the Easter holidays and I spent the week in Bath and visited Bath and Bristol Universities. Because it was the holidays there were fewer people around than there would be in term time but I still had several useful meetings.

University of Bath

At Bath, I had a meeting with several IMA members and discussed views on the IMA and its website. I also had interesting chats with Dr Adrian Bowyer about his work in mechanical engineering and on the RepRap self-replicating machine (photographed below) and Dr Paul Shepherd about his research in modelling architecture.

I also was able to meet with Sue Briault of the Bath Careers Advisory Service, who will be giving talks in the new term to undergraduate mathematicians on careers. Sue previously worked at the University of Nottingham and wrote for the Centre for Career Development Career Matters website, which looks like an interesting resource and contains documents such as this PDF on options with Mathematical Sciences degrees.

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