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Rainy but useful time at Bristol

Department of Mathematics
Bristol is in the interesting position of being a university with both a Department of Mathematics (above) and a Department of Engineering Mathematics (below). I met with staff in the Mathematics department and enjoyed a tea break in the Engineering Mathematics department. (Incidentally, I drank from a “BAMC 2007” mug and I am off to BAMC 2008 next week in Manchester).

As at Bath the day before, there were less people around due to the Easter break but I still managed to meet some people with interesting views. There was a view expressed that students may respond well to graduates returning to their university to give talks on their careers, which combines well with views expressed yesterday by Sue Briault at Bath that students really want to hear from those who are really doing the job. I will have to explore the opportunities the network of IMA members has in this area.

Queens Building

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