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Sponsorship for students to attend ECMI 2008

The following is an announcement from Amy Marsh, Conference Officer for the IMA. The IMA is this year organising the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) Conference in London.

We are very pleased to announce that the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council has provided £3,000 to support students attending the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry – ECMI 2008 Conference.

The funds will be used to provide sponsorship for 15 student registrations at the conference (excluding the conference dinner). These grants are not available to students who have already registered for the conference.

Applicants are requested to provide details of their name, area of study and a letter of support from their institution. Applications should include ECMI-EPSRC in the heading and should be sent to Successful students will be chosen at random from applications received before 6 June 2008. All applicants will be notified whether they are successful or not.

These grants are only available to students studying at a UK institution.

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