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iSquared Magazine

As you may know, Sarah Shepherd helps me out with the podcast by meeting with me once a month to talk over some maths news. Sarah edits iSquared Magazine, which I’m sure some of you will be familiar with. Sarah sent through some information about iSquared which I thought I would share in case you aren’t familiar with it. Sarah says:

iSquared is a quarterly magazine which sheds light on the growing number of real-world applications of mathematics. In iSquared magazine you can read a wide variety of articles about how maths is used in the modern world and keep updated on the latest developments at the forefront of mathematical research. You can also read reviews of recently released books on mathematical topics, biographies of celebrated mathematicians and interviews with people for whom mathematics is a crucial element of their work.

You can subscribe to iSquared magazine for just £11.20 or buy a single issue for £3.15. For further information please visit, where you can either purchase the magazine online or download a subscription form. Alternatively, to have a subscription form posted to you, please email your name and address to

I would be grateful if you could pass this information on to any friends or colleagues who might be interested in iSquared magazine.

I have designed adverts to go on the back cover of iSquared Magazine over 4 issues. Each highlights an aspect of IMA membership and will provide a regular income to support iSquared, something the IMA are keen to do. The first was in the autumn and you can view it on this blog. The second advert concentrates on mathematics careers. I originally had an advert drafted with a nice picture of Canary Wharf from across the Thames at Greenwich but in the current climate I wasn’t sure that was an attractive picture to use. Every time I see Canary Wharf on the telly it is being played over a bad news story! So just before the advert was due I was passing through St. Pancras Station in London. I stood on the upper level for a few minutes until I had to leave for my meeting and took a few photos. I tried to choose one with a mix of people looking like they’re off to work. The advert is below, click on it to see a larger version.

IMA advert for iSquared Winter 2008

(will not be published)

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