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On Wednesday I went to Aberdeen and had lunch with Garry Brindley, Chair of the IMA Scottish Branch in the Aberdeen Maritime Museum, where I saw a scale model of an oil rig.

I then travelled to the University of Aberdeen where I gave my careers talk to the Maths Club. This was well received in a nice, informal setting by a lively bunch of students. In attendance was Vivien Ellins from TechFest-SetPoint and she was able to say something to the students about their work bringing graduates to present maths masterclasses in schools. Pictured below are a couple of pictures I took wandering around campus; the second is the Meston Building where I gave my talk.

Aberdeen UniversityMeston Building, Aberdeen University
Aberdeen is lovely and the weather was great and it is a shame I was only able to stay for about 3 hours in all. In between being a bit lost and other activities I remembered to take some pictures (below) of and from Union Street.


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