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Careers in the home of golf

From Aberdeen I moved on to St. Andrews. On the train I was in awe of the scenery which was quite beautiful but my only opportunity to stop and take pictures was when I was at Leuchars station waiting for the bus, which was unusually unremarkable. On the approach to St. Andrews we passed a sign “Welcome to St. Andrews – The home of golf” but my only view of the famous course was when it was too dark to see it.

Once in St. Andrews it was starting to lose the light so I took a couple of pictures from the bus station (below) before I had dinner with the Chaosoc committee.

St. Andrews 1St. Andrews 2
After dinner we moved on to one of the St. Andrews university buildings where I gave my careers talk. This was well received by a fairly large turn out. A lady from the university careers service was keen to reiterate most of the content of the talks to the students at the end of the talk and was able to remind the students how the careers service can help them. It is good to have a local contact speak for a couple of minutes at the end of my talk to reinforce how the students can access careers advice locally. After the talk I was given a tour of the town by the Chaosoc President Alistair Wallis. Then the committee and I retired to the pub before I was given a lift back to the railway station.

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