You're reading: Travels in a Mathematical World

Who watches the listeners?

Web site logs are compelling and addictive. I have just got lost in the logs for the blog and podcast for half an hour before my phone beeped and drew me back to the real world. Anyway, I am interested to see the following websites sending people to this blog and the Travels in a Mathematical World podcast.

Mr T’s Standard Grade Maths Blog

This is the blog of a teacher, Mr. T, aimed at his students and has excited me greatly for two reasons – First, the link to the podcast comes in a post entitled “Exciting new links!“; Second is the text that immediately preceeds the link

As promised here are a couple of interesting links the first is the blog mentioned in class which includes the podcasts of discussions with interesting mathematicians. Be warned some of the maths is quite high powered but very interesting nonetheless:

Did you notice “mentioned in class”? Very exciting!

KTN for Industrial Mathematics

There are people visiting from the post on the noticeboard of the KTN for Industrial Mathematics, who are involved with linking research with business.

We have hits coming in from, which seems to be a site which flashes different blogs at you for a few seconds each until you see one you want to read. I’m not sure if this is people reading it then, or just waiting the four seconds until the next blog!


This is a page of interesting looking links which includes a link to the podcast.

Paul Shepherd’s website

Paul was in episode 14 of the Travels in a Mathematical World podcast and links to this from his page on Public Understanding of Mathematics.


We are linked in the IMA entry on Wikipedia! Fame and fortune beckon… The podcast gets a mention in the Publications section of the page (with a link to the Travels in a Mathematical World entry that doesn’t currently exist; Hint, anyone?) and the link is in the External Links section.

University websites

I am glad to see the blog and podcast are linked to, sometimes along with the IMA Careers Advice leaflet and Maths Careers website, from the following universities: Bath, Brunel, Dundee, Queen Mary (London) and Warwick. I do not know if these are the only universities that link to the blog or podcast, but these are the ones that are appearing in the web logs.

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