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Maths Promotion and new technologies

Last week I went to a meeting of the Maths Promotors Network in London which had a focus on use of new technologies in mathematics promotion. I spoke at this, giving an introduction and contributing to panels on social networking (with Noel-Ann Bradshaw of the University of Greenwich and Meetings Co-ordinator of the British Society for the History of Mathematics) and podcasting (with Marianne Freiberger of Plus). The third panel was on social networking and featured Zia Rahman of more maths grads and Richard Browne of MEI.

I found the day very enjoyable with some interesting discussions about the use of these technologies. I spoke about the Maths Prom Network and how it can work to promote interesting activities. In the social networking panel Noel-Ann Bradshaw talked about use of Facebook for maths at Greenwich and the Who invented Mathematics? group, while I spoke about my use of Twitter and the IMA’s use of social networking sites Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn. In the podcasting session I gave the amateur point of view and made a live podcast recording with maths communicator Matt Parker which will appear, all being well, as episode 31 at the weekend and Marianne Freiberger spoke about the more professional version of podcasting you get with the Plus podcast.

The meeting was well attended and I am listing below a few links I collected to interesting people and their work. I encourage you to explore these links to find interesting content.

Zia Rahman works for more maths grads and contributes to the Maths Careers website, which I hope readers of this blog will know is an encyclopedic resource relating to careers information in mathematics.

Sarah Shepherd edits iSquared Magazine, a popular maths magazine that is well worth a read. Sarah contributes to the regular maths news features on the Travels in a Mathematical World podcast.

Richard Browne works for Mathematics in Education and Industry who are a body committed to mathematics education and publish newsletters, reports and interesting maths resources including the “item of the month feature“. Sue de Pomerai works for MEI’s Further Maths Network, whose website has information about further maths, CPD and other items.

Charles Goldie is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Sussex and General Secretary of the London Mathematical Society.

Marianne Freiberger edits Plus, an online maths magazine including a podcast.

John Sharp is co-organiser of the Maths-Art Seminars at London Knowledge Lab, whose website includes seminar announcements and video streaming of many previous talks. John is also involved with Bridges, an initative which includes an international maths art conference whose website has pages on exhibitions. John’s work in this area is the subject of episode 24 of the Travels in a Mathematical World podcast.

Sara Santos works for the Royal Institution of Great Britain. The website is search based and visitors are encouraged to search for “mathematics”, “magic of mathematics” and “calculating colours”.

The meeting was hosted by Caroline Davis of the Maths Promotion Unit.

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