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Dear all: Change of job, email

I just sent this message as an email to a list of people I know but haven’t told my new address to yet. This included my email address which, if you didn’t receive this and need to know it, you can pick up on the MSOR Network HE STEM webpage.

I am no longer working for the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (a new University Liaison Officer has been appointed and will begin work in November; in the meantime you can contact IMA Assistant Director John Meeson) or the University of Nottingham.

I have taken up a new role with the HEA Maths, Stats and OR Network as part of the National HE STEM Programme Mathematical Sciences Strand. I am HE Curriculum Innovation Advisor with a brief to “explore current learning, teaching and assessment practices within mathematical sciences departments, and disseminate good practice”. Further details:

This means my email address has changed. Please update your records because my IMA address goes to someone else and my Nottingham address goes nowhere.

Some answers to what are, so far, quite frequently asked questions: this role is full time; it runs until 31st July 2012; I don’t know what I’m going to do after then; I continue my PhD, as ever, part time; I have not moved to Birmingham, I am commuting from Nottingham by train; about two hours each way; no, the commute isn’t bad; if you are interested in funding for a HE curriculum innovation project in mathematical sciences, please email me.

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