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Math/Maths LIVE from MathsJam!

We’re still engaged with Math/Maths Week, but you can already listen to the podcast recording we did live before the audience as part of the Saturday night entertainment at MathsJam, where we had an excellent weekend and thoroughly enjoyable time.
You can listen to the recording here: Math/Maths Podcast Episode 22 – LIVE from MathsJam!

One Response to “Math/Maths LIVE from MathsJam!”

  1. Avatar Elena

    Hello I am so not a Math person. I would like to know as a Math teacher, is there a way to teach Math to a person like me who is not a Math person, to where I can learn and retain what I have learn? And is it a myth or a true saying that girls are not that much into Math like the guys are? And one last question, what is the best way to study Math? Thanks


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