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Barriers to teaching

Lecturer in Mathematics.
School of Mathematics, University of Excellence.
Competitive salary.

Applications are invited for the post of Lecturer in Mathematics.

The University of Excellence is ambitious for the future, priding itself on its commitment to world-leading research and investment in an outstanding research environment. The opportunity is available to join a dynamic, highly esteemed and international research programme. Candidates who can interact with one or more of the School’s existing research strengths are particularly encouraged to apply.

As a successful candidate, you will have a PhD (or equivalent) in some branch of Mathematics and a track record of relevant research. You will have demonstrated the ability to publish consistently in leading research journals and be able to provide evidence of your experience attracting research funding. You will advance the School’s research agenda by supervising a group of PhD researchers.

In the latest UK Research Assessment Exercise the School submitted research output from over 70 staff. 65% of this research was recognised as being either world-leading or internationally excellent in terms of originality, significance and rigour.

Underpinned by the quality of its research, the School offers a range of degrees from undergraduate to postgraduate level. The successful candidate will also be expected to contribute to the development and delivery of teaching in Mathematics.

Potential candidates are encouraged to check our website for full details.

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