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Third IMA Virtual Branch talk: ‘Dissections – highlights from a masterclass’ by Bernard Murphy

The IMA has a series of online talks. The third in this series will be ‘Dissections – highlights from a masterclass’ by Bernard Murphy on Thursday 10th May 2012 starting at 7 pm. The following information is available on attending this:

This is to be the third IMA virtual branch talk and will take place in an online classroom.
To join the session navigate your internet browser to:
It could take a few minutes to get into the online room the first time, so you may wish to either try earlier in the day, or come a little before 7 pm. If you are unable to access the site, then click on the ‘Support’ link in the top right corner of the webpage.

No charge is made to attend meetings; non-IMA members are welcome.

Two previous talks in this series are available to view online:

An interactive talk on mathematical puzzles by Peter Rowlett

Interesting ideas in Search Engines, Games and Social Networks by Richard Lissaman

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