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More maths at Hay Festival

After plugging Marcus du Sautoy’s appearances at Hay Festival, it occurred to me that it would only be fair to mention the other mathematically-interesting events of the week.

Simon Singh – Alan Turing and Enigma

Sunday 3 June 2012, 8.30pm. Price: £6.25

The science writer celebrates the centenary of the genius mathematician and code-breaker, who deciphered the German naval cables in WWII, and demonstrates the encryption techniques on his own, original Enigma Machine.

Kjartan Poskitt – Murderous Maths

Thursday 7 June 2012, 1pm. Price: £5.25

Back by popular demand, our favourite numerical wizard is coming to Hay to put an end to maths miseries great and small. Join us for hilarious games of mathematical trickery and cunning calculus.

David Spiegelhalter and Sarah-Jayne Blakemore – Teenage Kicks

Monday 4 June 2012, 7pm. Price: £5.25

How do you explain teenage behaviour? What are the risks and the rewards they’re juggling?

David Spiegelhalter – Are you taking a risk or a chance? Trying to put numbers on uncertainty

Monday 4 June 2012, 11.30am. Price: £6.25

We continually get warned about the risks around us, but the upside of uncertainty is chance and opportunity. The Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk will show how to weigh luck, both bad and good. Chaired by Greg Davies.

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