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New York Museum of Mathematics will open on December 15th, 2012

An announcement has been made on Twitter that the long-awaited Museum of Mathematics will be opening on Saturday, December 15, at 11 East 26th Street in New York City.

A recent article on the museum describes it this way:

Mind-opening experiences are the whole point of Manhattan’s Museum of Mathematics (opening this fall), which has what many consider a tough mission: teaching kids that math is exciting.
The prime mover is Glen Whitney, a former math professor and hedge-fund analyst who has raised $30 million to build what he calls a “safe place to love math.”

You can hear interviews with some of the people behind the museum via the Strongly Connected Components podcast.


MoMath1 Twitter stream.

Coming Soon: The New York City Math Museum (Mark Strauss, Smithsonian magazine).

More information: The Museum of Mathematics

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