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Bletchley Park raises funding target for Heritage Lottery Fund restoration; further funding needed

The Action This Day! campaign, to raise the £2.4 million needed to unlock £5 million of Heritage Lottery funding, has reached its target. The funding means that the Park can “commence urgent restoration of the profoundly historic, yet currently derelict, Codebreaking Huts 3 and 6, and the development of a world-class visitor centre and exhibition space in WW2 Card Index building, Block C”.

However, this is no reason to stop giving. There is a long way to go to fully “transform Bletchley Park into a world-class heritage and education centre to adequately reflect the profound importance of its impact on WW2 and the twentieth century”. The Bletchley Park Trust will immediately embark on a fundraising campaign, expected to be in the order of £15 million for the next phase.

Source: Restoration Lifeline for Bletchley Park’s Iconic WW2 Codebreaking Huts Coincides with Turing Centenary.

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