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MathsJam Annual Conference 2012 booking now open

Booking is now open for the 2012 MathsJam annual conference. As well as being a regular monthly event in pubs all over the UK and the world, MathsJam has an annual gathering on a weekend in November, where attendees enjoy lightning 5-minute talks, long coffee breaks and general mathematical hanging out – as well as MathsJam’s standard “puzzles, games, problems, and sharing fun stuff with like-minded self-confessed maths enthusiasts”.

This year, the conference will take place at Wychwood Park, near Crewe, on the weekend of 17th-18th November 2012. The Aperiodical editorial team will almost certainly be in attendance, so watch this space for details of the exciting things we have planned for the weekend.

Places cost £165 for one person or £250 for two people for the whole weekend, with discounts for the unemployed, the early, and those who don’t need a room at the conference park.

More information: MathsJam 2012.

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