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World Record Rubik’s Cube Solve

Rubik's Cube world record crowdThis Wednesday, friend of The Aperiodical Matt Parker compered an event at London’s O2 Arena in which the world record for most simultaneous Rubik’s cube solves was smashed by a crowd including schools groups, individuals, maths fans and the UK’s current speedsolving champion, Robert Yau.

Stand-up Mathematician Matt announced the event, while entertainment before the successful record attempt included Maths Busking, Woolly Thoughts‘ mathematical knitted wall hangings, Rubik’s cube artist Karl Savage, and Maths in a Suitcase with tables full of maths toys to play with. The record was broken by 1,414 successful solves out of around 1,700 attendees (the previous record was 937, and as of today the Guinness World Records website hasn’t been updated.)

The event was held to raise money for DePaul UK, a charity raising money to help young homeless people. Their writeup is here.

This tweet contains a picture of me, looking smug, with Matt and the certificate:

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