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Talk: Computability of Bass-Serre structures in the Grzegorczyk hierarchy

I’m going to abuse this here organ of mine ((phrasing?!?!)) to show off a thing I did yesterday.

My chum the inimitable David Cushing has started a postgrad pure maths seminar at Newcastle. Because there are only a few pure postgrads here, he asked me to give a talk about the stuff I was looking at for the PhD I gave up on last year.

The title of the talk was “Computability of Bass-Serre structures in the Grzegorczyk hierarchy”. It gave an outline of everything needed to show that the fundamental group of a graph of groups is computable in a level of the Grzegorczyk hierarchy at most one higher than its constituent parts, and what that means.

The slides, a recording of the talk, and a link to my presentation template are in a post on my mathem-o-blog: Talk: Computability of Bass-Serre structures in the Grzegorczyk hierarchy

3 Responses to “Talk: Computability of Bass-Serre structures in the Grzegorczyk hierarchy”

  1. Avatar Yemon Choi

    “Started”? I think you might mean “resurrected” ;-) see
    here or here.

    In any case, good to see some form of postgrad seminar is running once again. (And regards to David, BTW.)

    • Avatar Christian Perfect

      The PGF is still going, but pure talks don’t get a good reception there. We decided we needed somewhere we could talk about proper maths without the statisticians being rude.


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