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Particularly mathematical New Years Honours 2014

With the announcement of honours for 1,195 people in the 2014 New Years list, it’s time for the latest in our ongoing Honours-watch series of posts. In this, we search arbitrarily for ‘mathematics’ in the PDFs of the various lists, and hope our well-informed readers fill in the blanks where actual knowledge is required.

  • Celia Hoyles, Professor of Mathematics Education at the Institute of Education, University of London, becomes a Dame for services to Education. Celia is the incoming President of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (2014-15). Her web page lists her research interests as “students’ conceptions of proof, mathematical skills in modern workplaces, computational environments for learning and sharing mathematics, and systemic change in teaching mathematics.” The full citation indicates that the award is particularly for her time as Director of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (2007-13).
  • Frances Kirwan, Professor of Mathematics, University of Oxford and Chair of the UK Mathematics Trust, also becomes a Dame for services to mathematics. According to her website, her research interests are algebraic and symplectic geometry. The full citation says that the award is for “the significance of her research in algebraic geometry but also for her contribution to the mathematical life of the UK and to the worldwide mathematical community”.
  • Julia Slingo, Chief Scientist at the Met Office and Professor of Meteorology at the University of Reading, also becomes a Dame for services to weather and climate science. Julia’s first degree was in Maths and Physics. The Met Office website reports that her research “addresses problems in tropical climate variability – its influence on the global climate; its role in seasonal to decadal climate prediction, and its response to climate change”.
  • Rachel de Souza, CEO of Inspiration Trust, is made a Dame for services to education. The full citation reports that in her current role she “has opened the country’s first specialist Mathematics and Science Free School”, though I can’t find out whether Rachel is a mathematician herself. According to her Inspiration Trust website profile, Michael Gove has said “If anyone asked me what my ideal education policy would be it would be to clone Rachel 23.000 times”.
  • Lindsey Clark, Headteacher of Park View School in Birmingham, is made OBE for services to education. Park View School is an Academy of Mathematics & Science, though I can’t find out whether Lindsey is a mathematician herself.

Are there any others I’ve missed? Please add any of interest in the comments below. A full list may be obtained from the Cabinet Office website.

One Response to “Particularly mathematical New Years Honours 2014”

  1. Avatar James Gay

    Possibly worth noting that Frances Kirwan is a former president of the LMS, which probably has significant bearing on her “contribution to the mathematical life of the UK”.


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