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Sierpiński Carpet Project

Project organisers José and David

Project organisers José and David

If you enjoyed the magnificent ridiculousness of Matt Parker’s MegaMenger international fractal building project, but would prefer something slightly lower-dimensional, we’ve found the collaborative international fractal-building project for you!

A team led by José L. Rodríguez at the University of Almería, in Spain (who also built a Menger Sponge for MegaMenger) are attempting to build a giant Sierpiński carpet, using green and purple stickers, and an army of unwitting excited school children.

The Carpet, which is made up of square stickers attached to paper in a fractal shape, is being built from contributions sent in by schools and organisations all over the world. For a registration fee of €10, you’ll be sent a pack of stickers and a set of instructions for 64 children (aged between 3 and 99) to participate, and your finished fractal can be posted back to become part of the main fractal in Spain.

The project has just about reached its half-way point – involving more than 16,000 students and 1000 teachers at 256 schools in 30 countries – and they’re looking for more to help out and make the second half. If you think your school class, community group or other conglomeration of enthusiastic humans can help, there’s information below about how to get involved. The project will continue running until June 2015, so there’s plenty of time to get stuck in.

More information

Sierpinski Carpet Project Website

Sierpinski Carpet Facebook Page

One Response to “Sierpiński Carpet Project”

  1. Avatar José L. Rodríguez

    Dear Katie, thanks very much for your post! Just want to add that the project will also run in 2016, 100 years after the publication of the Sierpinski Carpet. Regards from Spain ! José


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