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George Boole at 200

Happy birthday AND many happy returns to George Boole, 200 this year!

george boole birthday

The Irish Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, has helped launch University College Cork’s year of festivities celebrating Boole, their first professor of maths and the inventor of Boolean algebra.

The year’s activities will include the restoration of Boole’s first home in Cork, an official film biography, an art exhibition of “contermporary art and mathematical data”, three conferences in maths and computer science, and of course a youth outreach programme. All the relevant information is available at a swishy new site set up for the purpose,

I’ve heard the year will end with a celebratory curry – and plenty of NAND bread to go around! Geddit?! (groan – Ed.)

More information

George Boole 200 website

An Taoiseach launches George Boole celebrations – press release from University College Cork

Via Irish Maths Archive on Twitter

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