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LMS Local Heroes

The London Mathematical Society, as part of its 150th anniversary celebrations, is running a project entitled Local Heroes, in which they have encouraged and funded local museums to put on exhibits about mathematicians from their area. The funding was allocated in 2014, and during 2015 various exhibits have been taking place in different parts of the UK, each celebrating a local number hero.

EDIT: the Lincoln exhibit has been extended until 3rd November – details below.

Here’s a list of all the exhibits currently open for visitors:

Lincoln, England: featuring George Boole, originally at Lincoln University Library – extended until 3rd November at Lincoln Cathedral

Dundee, Scotland: featuring Sir D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson CB FRS FRSE, running until 1st November – more details on the University of Dundee website

Tenby, Pembrokeshire: featuring Robert Recorde, running until 7th October – more details on the Tenby Museum & Art Gallery website, and an article in Wales Online

Carrickfergus, Co Antrim: featuring Robert Adrain, running until 31st October – more details in the museum brochure (PDF)

Parts of the LMS website also mention an exhibit in Banff, but I can’t find any information about it.

More information

Original funding call for Local Heroes project

LMS’s “Mathematics and Culture” page, featuring details of the Local Heroes project

Report from the opening of the Lincoln exhibit, at the Lincoln University School of Mathematics Algebra group website, including some photos

One Response to “LMS Local Heroes”

  1. Avatar Christian Perfect

    I visited the Tenby museum a couple of years ago. I was surprised to find a tiny display, the size of a cupboard, with some mechanical calculating tools to commemorate Robert Recorde. This photo shows the calculators, and almost completely misses out what I think was a portrait of Recorde above.


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