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Follow Women Friday: International Women’s Day 2017

As part of our series of ‘Follow Friday’ posts in which we suggest mathematical Twitter accounts you might like to follow, here’s a special International Women’s Day edition with some of our favourite mathematical women and related accounts. If you’d like the conversation in your feed to be less dominated by the Sausage Theorem, maybe consider adding a few to your lists. Put your own suggestions in the comments too!

Back in 2013, Evelyn Lamb (@evelynjlamb, first on our list) beat us to the punch with a comprehensive list of women on Twitter fitting the adjective ‘mathy’; we can’t guarantee all the account handles are still accurate or they’re still tweeting, but it’s a nice place to start. The list is also available as a Twitter List you can subscribe to.

This week, the #womeninmaths hashtag is kicking off with details of all the events and talks going on to celebrate women, and there are several Twitter accounts dedicated to tweeting about women in maths all year round – including @womeninmaths (the Twitter account of the LMS’s Women in Maths committee) and more generally @STEMWomen. International Women’s Day has its own Twitter account @womensday.

And finally, here’s a (far too short) list of some more cool mathematical women I’ve recently met/heard of/worked with, and their Twitter handles.

  • Eugénie von Tunzelmann (@eugenieVT): works in computer graphics and 3D rollercoaster design, and has a tattoo of a hypercube on her arm
  • Laura Taalman (@mathgrrl): met her while she was mathematician in residence at MoMATH in New York, and does lots of interesting stuff with 3D printing and maths
  • Sam Durbin (@samdurbin1): coordinator of maths masterclasses at the Royal Insititution, and an unstoppable force of nature when it comes to promoting maths
  • Finally, Nalini Joshi (@monsoon0): mathematician at the University of Sydney, and (as of today) the first ever woman to have her portrait hanging in the prestigious MacLaurin Hall at the university:

The Mathematical Association of America also helpfully tweeted this collection of handles:

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