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Particularly mathematical Birthday Honours 2019

With the announcement the Queen’s Birthday Honours list, it’s time for the latest in our ongoing Honours-watch series of posts. In this, we search arbitrarily for a few maths-related terms in the list, and hope our well-informed readers fill in the blanks where actual knowledge is required.

  • Sir Peter Donnelly, Chief Executive, Genomics plc and Professor of Statistical Science, University of Oxford. Knighted for services to the Understanding of Human Genetics in Disease.
  • Ken Brown, Professor of Mathematics, University of Glasgow. Appointed CBE for services to the Mathematical Sciences.
  • Sylvia Richardson, Director, Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge. Appointed CBE for services to Medical Statistics.
  • Max Parmar, Professor of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology and Director, MRC Clinical Trials Unit, University College London. Appointed OBE for services to Medical Research and Clinical Trials.
  • Arnold Black, Historian and Statistician, Scottish Athletics. Appointed MBE for services to Athletics.
  • Elizabeth Buttigieg, Executive Officer, UK Statistics Authority. Appointed MBE services to Pensioners, Veterans and the community in Newport, Wales.
  • Duncan Lawson, Co-Director sigma, Coventry University. Appointed MBE for services to Mathematics in Higher Education.
  • Peter Ransom. Appointed MBE for voluntary service to Mathematics Education.
  • Lauren Shea. Awarded BEM for services to Promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to Young People.
  • Jess Wade, Research Physicist, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London. Awarded BEM for services to Gender Diversity in Science.

Are there any others we’ve missed? Please add any of interest in the comments below. A full list may be obtained from the UK Government website.

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