Welcome to the 12th match in this year’s Big Math-Off. Take a look at the two interesting bits of maths below, and vote for your favourite.
You can still submit pitches, and anyone can enter: instructions are in the announcement post.
Here are today’s two pitches.
Matthew Scroggs – Interesting Tautologies
Matthew Scroggs is one of the editors of Chalkdust, a magazine for the mathematically curious, and blogs at mscroggs.co.uk. He tweets at @mscroggs.
A few years ago, I made @mathslogicbot, a Twitter bot that tweets logical tautologies.
The statements that @mathslogicbot tweets are made up of variables (a to z) that can be either true or false, and the logical symbols
To get an idea of how to interpret @mathslogicbot’s statements, let’s have a look at a few tautologies:
(Of course, not all statements are tautologies. The statement
While looking through @mathslogicbot’s tweets, I noticed that a few of them are interesting, but most are downright rubbish. This got me thinking: could I get rid of the bad tautologies like these, and make a list of just the “interesting” tautologies. To do this, we first need to think of different ways tautologies can be bad.
Looking at tautologies the @mathslogicbot has tweeted, I decided to exclude:
- tautologies like
that contain more than one in a row. - tautologies like
that contain a shorter tautology. Instead, tautologies like should be considered. - tautologies like
that contain a shorter contradiction (the opposite of a tautology). Instead, tautologies like should be considered. - tautologies like
or that are another tautology (in this case ) with a variable replaced with something else. - tautologies containing substatements like
, or that are equivalent to just writing . - tautologies that contain a
that could be replaced with a , because it’s more interesting if the implication goes both ways. - tautologies containing substatements like
or that could be replaced with similar terms (in these cases and respectively) without the s. - tautologies that are repeats of each other with the order changed. For example, only one of
and should be included.
After removing tautologies like these, some of my favourite tautologies are:
You can find a list of the first 500 “interesting” tautologies here. Let me know on Twitter which is your favourite. Or let me know which ones you think are rubbish, and we can further refine the list…
Colin Beveridge – Binet’s formula and Haskell
Colin blogs at flyingcoloursmaths.co.uk and tweets at @icecolbeveridge.
As ordained by Stigler’s law (which is attributed to Merton), Binet’s formula was known at least a century before Binet wrote about it
Binet’s formula is a lovely way to generate the
Where does it come from?
Which, of course, I’ll leave as an exercise
It’s not hard to prove this by induction, but that feels like a bit of a cheat: it doesn’t explain why Binet’s formula works.
Personally, I like to prove it as follows.
- Suppose
and are consecutive Fibonacci numbers for some integer . - Then, if I want to end up with
and , I can use a matrix: - That’s true for any
, and (given that and ), I can write:
I only realised fairly recently what was going on when you diagonalise a matrix as
- I smell an eigensystem – if I diagonalise the matrix, I can use that as a shortcut to unlimited power, bwahaha! (What’s that? Just unlimited powers of the matrix. Fine.) I’ll skip the tedious and arduous calculation required to diagonalise it, and note that:
- This simplifies (after a bit of work) to:
- And
… which gives us Binet’s formula
A brief aside
In fact, it’s very close to
A thing that makes me go oo: the numerator of Binet’s formula gives integer multiples of
Calculating in
Which I was – the code is interesting, but not Math-Off-interesting
If you were, for example, trying to implement this in Haskell you might consider working in the field
Another example of a field extension that works a similar way: the complex numbers can be thought of as
In particular,
A little bit of messing with the binomial theorem tells you that calculating
Suppose, for example, we work out
The oo! thing for me, though, is the other number. 123 is the tenth Lucas number – which are formed the same way as Fibonacci numbers, but with
So, which bit of maths made you say “Aha!” the loudest? Vote:
Match 12: Matthew Scroggs vs Colin Beveridge
- Colin with Binet's formula
- (66%, 35 Votes)
- Scroggs with tautological tautologies
- (34%, 18 Votes)
Total Voters: 53
This poll is closed.

The poll closes at 9am BST on Tuesday the 5th, when the next match starts.
If you’ve been inspired to share your own bit of maths, look at the announcement post for how to send it in. The Big Lockdown Math-Off will keep running until we run out of pitches or we’re allowed outside again, whichever comes first.