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24-hour Maths Magic Show next weekend

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Next weekend, a group of maths presenters will be getting together some mathematicians, magicians and other cool people to put on a 24-hour long online YouTube mathematical magic x-stravaganza. Each half-hour will feature a different special guest sharing a mathematical magic trick of some kind, and across the day there’ll be a total of 48 tricks for you to watch and puzzle over.

Currently confirmed guests include:

  • Stand-up Mathematician Matt Parker
  • Professional speed Rubik’s cuber Sydney Weaver
  • Popular science author Simon Singh
  • University Challenge star Bobby Seagull

The show will be live streamed starting from 9pm on Friday 30th October and run through until 9pm on Saturday 31st, and you can sign up for a reminder of when it’s happening by following the Twitter account @24hmaths, or by visiting the website at and putting in your email address for a one-time reminder email.

The show will run alongside comedian Mark Watson’s 24-hour live comedy show Watsonathon, which will be a separate concurrent livestream, with some crossovers where the two shows chat to each other. Both events will be raising money for the charity Turn2Us, which helps people in low-income jobs & gives out emergency loans, including supporting comedians and other performers who have little/no income at this time.

The team is still looking for a few trick presenters, and if there’s anyone you could suggest that might be able to share an interesting bit of maths, you can contact them through Twitter by sending DMs to @24hmaths, or you can email us and we’ll pass the message on.

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