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Aperiodical News Roundup – November 2020

Here’s some of the latest mathematical news and goings-on from the month of November.


Image from The Math Forum

Maths news: a full classification of tetrahedra with rational dihedral angles has been posted on the ArXiV. Described by mathematician Marty Weissman as ‘a remarkable result’, Marty outlines the discovery and its significance in this thread. (via Marty Weissman on Twitter)

Mathematician Chad Topaz wrote a long blog post entitled “I’m breaking up with my oppressive professional society, detailing his disappointment with professional maths societies’ attitudes to diversity, and about how in response he has founded QSIDE – the Institute for the Quantitative Study of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity. (via Chad Topaz on Twitter)

Google Deepmind has made a breakthrough in protein folding – using their immense computational power to analyse the topology of folded molecules, AlphaFold computes predictions about the shape of a molecule given its sequence of amino acids. This tweet thread adds some context to the discovery.

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EPSRC, a UK research council, has announced its Additional Funding Programme for the Mathematical Sciences, through which it will implement the government’s £300m mathematical sciences funding boost, announced in January. As well as allocating £15m to doctoral studentships, there’s a Small Grants scheme for research projects, programme grants, research associate funding and fellowships. (via EPSRC on Twitter)

Ann Elizabeth Leighton Davis, historian of mathematics, passed away on 23rd November. According to Dr Snezana Lawrence, “Her contributions to the field are many and significant: and she founded the Philippa Fawcett collection“. (via Snezana Lawrence on Twitter)


The newly founded IMA Hedy Lamarr Prize for Knowledge Exchange in Mathematics and its Applications is now seeking nominations, aiming to “reward knowledge exchange in the mathematical sciences in all its possible forms”. They’re open to nominations recognising creation of new links between academia and industry, transformative mathematical ideas, and sustained contribution to knowledge exchange. (via @IMAmaths on Twitter)

2020 Maths/Computer Science award holders

The winners of the 2020 Suffrage Science Awards, a peer-based recognition of women’s achievements in science and technology, have been announced. As well as IMA members Professors Apala Majumdar and Sara Lombardo, there are 9 other winners in the Maths and Computer Science category, and 11 in life sciences. The winners were honoured at an online celebration in early November. (via @IMAmaths on Twitter)

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