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\(-e^{i\pi}\) to Watch: Science Rapper

In this series of posts, we’ll be featuring mathematical video and streaming channels from all over the internet, by speaking to the creators of the channel and asking them about what they do.

We spoke to Jon Chase, aka Oort Kuiper the Science Rapper, about his TikTok channel and how he’s been using it to share mathematical raps.

Photo of Jon, a black man with his hair in cornrows, wearing a white puffer jacket and rapping in front of a stage decorated with chemical element symbols

Channel title: Science Rapper (Sci Comm)
Topics covered: KS4 maths raps, plus more general STEM
Average video length: 45-75 seconds
Recommended videos: Factorising to solve a quadratic8 Circle theorems

What is your channel about, and why did it start?

It mostly started as a way to share some of the stuff I have done in STEM, to get an idea of what worked on TikTok. After trying out some other avenues on TikTok, I soon discovered that it was maths raps that gained the most interest, and so I decided to focus on that. 

Who are you? Tell us about yourself. 

I’m a science communicator that makes raps to communicate STEM ideas and information. The focus on maths is predominantly targeted towards education-based TikTok audiences, as this platform seems to be where those audiences are engaging with the content most. Other than maths on TikTok, I do plenty of other science communication ranging from stage shows, workshops and presenting on screen, to writing articles – as well as a few books.

What is a typical video like, and why should people watch?

The videos are just short raps about a particular topic in maths – either overviewing it, or providing rapped worked examples. It’s quick and easy and catchy (depending on your preferences, of course). It’s a very unique way to teach/share maths.

What are some highlights of the channel so far?

It was exciting to see my factorising video going viral! It’s now got over 400,000 likes and over 3,000 comments – and it’s always fun watching the comments unfold: essentially, the audience educates each other through their comments, as well as arguing about methods.

What exciting plans do you have for the future? 

I’m hoping to cover more content from the GCSE curriculum, to provide greater access to engaging and quick maths revision!

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