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πkm Running Challenge: 7-day update

This month I'm doing a completely irrational sponsored run for Sport Relief, aiming to raise £100π by running πkm per day, every day in March. I'm one week in, and here's the story so far.

Given the first few days of my challenge coincided with one of the most ridiculous periods of cold weather we've seen in a while, I wasn't quite willing to brave the outdoors yet, so my first few days were done on a treadmill in the gym.

On the fourth day, the weather broke, so I took advantage of the fact that my parents live near a lake whose perimeter works out to almost exactly πkm. I dragged my dad round it – and even made a short video:

On day 5, I dragged another of my family members for an outdoor run:

And finally, today I managed my first solo outdoor run, literally running an errand to fetch some workshop materials from the Museum of Science and Industry across town. By careful route choice, I managed to hit my target within sight of the front doors:

Day 7: completed!
Weirdly exactly the distance from my home to the museum

The best news of all is that on day four, I managed to hit my fundraising target! I reached £314.15 on 4th March, and promptly decided to extend the challenge by upping the target. My new goal is £3141.59, which I'm almost certainly not going to reach, but it gives me something to shoot for. I've got the rest of the month!

You can make a contribution (all to the brilliant cause that is BBC Sport Relief), and continue to follow along with my social media updates/proof, by heading to my fundraising page at

3 Responses to “πkm Running Challenge: 7-day update”

  1. Avatar Linda

    The links to your fundraising page are broken. How can I pledge 404 pennies ;) ?


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