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πkm running challenge: 21-day round up

I’m still going! Two-thirds of the way through my epic running binge, and I’ve managed to keep it up every day so far. Since my last round-up on 7th, I’ve run another πkm each day, and my fundraising total is now at 22%, which is over £700 (and if you didn’t notice, that sentence just contained ’22’, ‘over’ and ‘7’).

If I can make it to £1000 before the end of the month, I’ll be pretty pleased! Donate at, or see below for my daily sweaty photos/videos/instagram posts.

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On the 9th, I thought I’d make use of the mathematical properties of π to do a slightly silly one, and made a video:

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A post shared by Katie Steckles (@katie_steckles)

I also managed to get in a few more joint runs with running companions:

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A post shared by Katie Steckles (@katie_steckles)

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A post shared by Katie Steckles (@katie_steckles)

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A post shared by Katie Steckles (@katie_steckles)

I was also given an amazing gift by maths/knitting fan Linda Pollard, who came to see me perform at a show. She’s written up the knit of these magnificent π/sum gloves on a Ravelry page. I took the opportunity to test out their warmness on my next outdoor run:

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This mild cry for help resulted in plenty of nice replies on Twitter, which has been a real boost – including Aperiodichum Colin Beveridge, who pointed out that my total is around $\pi^4$, a pleasing coincidence.

And of course, today’s effort:

Running continues. Watch this space for a final wrap-up and fundraising total at the end of the month.

Katie’s fundraising page at Sport Relief
More information about Sport Relief

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