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Math/Maths 96: Permeated by Robot Noise

A new episode of the Math/Maths Podcast has been released.

A conversation about mathematics between the UK and USA from This week Samuel and Peter spoke about: Math paper retracted because it ‘contains no scientific content’; Top Majors of 2022; New Journals of Negative Results; New UK law obliges publishing of public data in open formats; Frozen primes; Follow the timeline of Alan Turing’s life; TU Munich Cancels Elsevier; Help get Octave developed for Android! (like MATLAB, but free); Open Textbook Catalog; Tony’s Maths Blog; Tika Taka Analysis; Fractal Pancakes; and more. The recording is clear but, though Samuel could hear Peter, although with a time lag, during the episode Peter increasingly couldn’t hear Samuel. Makes for fun times!

Get this episode: Math/Maths 96: Permeated by Robot Noise

One Response to “Math/Maths 96: Permeated by Robot Noise”

  1. Avatar grahamsteinke

    Math is by far the subject that needs the most revamping in the US school system followed closely by all the rest of the subjects.


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