Here’s a quick round-up of some news stories from this month.
The Royal Society has announced its award winners for 2024, which include mathematicians Ingrid Daubechies (Bakerian Medal/lecture for the physical sciences), Hannah Fry (David Attenborough Award/lecture for public engagement) and Philip Maini (Sylvester medal for mathematical research).
And the joint IMA/LMS Christopher Zeeman Medal for 2024 has been awarded to Brady Haran for his work in communicating mathematics via the Numberphile channel on YouTube.
Other news
The Protect Pure Maths campaign group has relaunched as the Campaign for Mathematical Sciences, encompassing a broader remit to promote and support mathematical activity in the UK.
In research news, an elliptic curve with rank at least 29 has been found by researchers Noam Elkies and Zev Klagsbrun. The previous record was rank ≥28, found by Elkies in 2006. (via Robin Houston)
\[y2 + xy = x3 – 27006183241630922218434652145297453784768054621836357954737385x + 55258058551342376475736699591118191821521067032535079608372404779149413277716173425636721497\]
Pierre Cartier, mathematician and Bourbaki member, has died aged 92.