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Podcast: Episode 6 – History with Noel-Ann Bradshaw – Galois

These are the show notes for episode 6 of the Travels in a Mathematical World podcast. 6 is the minimum number of colors that is always sufficient to color any map on a Möbius strip. More about the Möbius strip from The Math Forum and a discussion of the colouring problem at Ask Dr. Math. More facts about number 6 from

In the regular Maths History series, Noel-Ann Bradshaw of the University of Greenwich and also Meetings Co-ordinator of the British Society for the History of Mathematics talks about the life of Évariste Galois. You can read a short introduction to Galois and his work at h2g2 or read a more detailed biography of Galois at the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive. You can read a roundup of group theory at Wikipedia and an introduction to Galois Theory from nrich.

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