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12th Forum of Young Women Mathematicians

via Olivier Gerard on Google+:

12th Forum of Young (Wo)men Mathematicians

Will take place in Paris in November. All mathematicians (of all ages and genders) welcome to attend. Starting keynote by Claire Voisin. Young women and young men starting their mathematics career can submit a talk. The particularity is that all organization, referring and invited lectures are by established women mathematicians.

The official English-language announcement says:

The 12th forum of young women mathematicians is to be held at IHP (Institut Henri Poincaré), Paris, France, November 12th to 14th.

Its theme will be “Algebra and geometries”.

The forum is organized by the French association `Femmes et Mathématiques’ in association with the CNRS  (National Center of Scientific Research), its `Mission pour la place des femmes’ (Mission for women’s integration), its National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INSMI), its Institute for Information Sciences and Technologies (INS2I), and with the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research. It is also supported by the French Mathematical Society (SMF), and the French Society of Applied Mathematics (SMAI).

There will be plenary lectures given by prominent mathematicians as well as parallel sessions with short lectures given by young mathematicians. Besides the scientific program, mentoring sessions will be provided to young mathematicians, as well as awareness activities on parity issues between women and men in higher education and research.

The original French-language announcement at femmes & mathématiques has some more information about submissions, as well as links for the organising committee and the invited speakers.

Information: English, Français

Source: Olivier Gerard on Google+

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