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Blogs from this year’s Heidelberg Laureate Forum

Heidelberg Castle selfie

Paul and I have spent this week blogging from the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, an international event for PhD/postdoc students and top-level maths and computer science researchers.

It was a long week of extravagant dinners, incredible talks and press conferences, (maths) celeb spotting, branded conference freebies, hilarious quotes and exceptional hospitality. Oh, and blogging. Here’s a round-up of what we wrote, in case you’ve missed it this week, as well as some of the other posts the rest of the HLF blog team wrote.

Blog posts by Katie

Blog posts by Paul

A few more posts may appear on the blog over the coming week or so, and we’ll post them across here as well.

L-R: Coni, Nana, Alaina, Katie, Ben, Paul; photo taken in Heidelberg Castle

Katie and Paul were only part of the blog team at the HLF – they were joined by Math With Bad DrawingsBen Orlin, a maths teacher, prolific blogger and author; Constanza (Coni) Rojas-Molina, who draws amazing sketch summaries of talks, blogs at The RAGE of the Blackboard and researches mathematical physics at the University of Bonn; Nana Liu, a quantum computing researcher there to cover the event’s ‘hot topic’ session on Quantum Computing; and Alaina Levine, a freelance writer, speaker and consultant based in Arizona. They were joined by (not pictured) Tobias Maier (biologist) and Markus Possel (physicist), who both blog in English and German.

Here are some of our favourite posts from the rest of the blog team:

You can see the rest of the HLF blog where it’s hosted at Spektrum SciLogs.

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