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Podcast: Episode 14 – Paul Shepherd – Parametric Geometry Generation

These are the show notes for episode 14 of the Travels in a Mathematical World podcast. 14 is the the largest number for which there are as many composite numbers less than it as there are primes.

This week on the podcast we hear from Dr. Paul Shepherd of the University of Bath. Paul is a mathematician working in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering and speaks about his work designing buildings using parametric models. There is more information on Paul’s work including some interesting pictures of Parametric Models on his website. Paul was interviewed about his work on Arsenal football stadium in the Plus podcast in December 2007.

I mentioned I was excited this week to discover a blog called “Dunc’s Shed” in which the author had posted a link to the podcast.

You can find out more about my work with the IMA by reading this blog and visiting

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