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Podcast: Episode 41 – Ed Galea, His career, part 1: How astrophysics leads to steel casting and fire modelling

These are the show notes for episode 41 of the Travels in a Mathematical World Podcast. 41 is prime, the smallest non-palindromic prime which on subtracting its reverse gives a perfect cube.

In this episode, part 1 of 2, Professor Ed Galea of the University of Greenwich talks about his career in various aspects of magnetohydrodynamics, from origins in astrophysics and how this led him to industrial steel casting and fire modelling. We learned about magnetohydrodynamics from David Fearn in podcast episode 33. If you are interesed in this topic you can get an overview from Wikipedia: “Magnetohydrodynamics”, with plenty of links to further reading from more reliable sources. There is a wealth of information about Ed’s research on his webpage.

In part 2 next week Ed talks more about crowd evacuation.

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