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Carnival of Mathematics

I have recently become aware of the Carnival of Mathematics, a blog carnival operated by Mike Croucher. A blog carnival is a roaming, regular series of blog posts on a particular topic that points to content on other blogs. In this case, the Carnival of Mathematics website has the following description of the content:

Pure or Applied, Good or Bad, in Science or in Social Science, Academic or Popular
Everything math-related goes in here: proofs, explanations of basic concepts, puzzles, writings about math education, mathematical anecdotes, refutations of bad math, applications of math, reviews of popular math… Note that sufficiently mathematized portions of other disciplines, especially physics and computer science, are acceptable.

Mike’s Twitter feed for the Carnival describes it as “a monthly celebration of the mathematics blogging community. Hosted by a different math blogger each month.”

The website lists Carnival posts going back to Feb 2007. The most recent Carnival post at time of writing is number 62 at The Endeavour.

Anyway, I have signed up to host the 67th Carnival of Mathematics in July. Watch this space!

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