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Math/Maths Podcast Live Recording

In November, Samuel Hansen will visit the UK for, at least, MathsJam, the 13th IMA Early Career Mathematicians Conference, a tour of maths and computing history in Nottingham and… a live recording of the Math/Maths Podcast at the University of Greenwich. (That’s live in the sense of “before an audience”, rather than “streamed live”.)

We’re planning an afternoon at Greenwich, including a talk of what we learned on our maths & computing history tour, the podcast (“LIVE!”), a walk to and round the Greenwich Royal Observatory and a trip to a nearby watering hole.

To advertise this, I put together a poster. If you are in the area I would encourage you to put this up to help advertise the talk. This is a PDF on scribd and there are a couple of links to download or print a copy. Click to enlarge:
Math/Maths Live posterMeanwhile, Samuel Hansen has been hard at work and has produced a video to advertise the event too:

Update: Math/Maths Week!.

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